Johnson City Library News


Rainwater Catchment Installed at the Library

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The library recently installed a rainwater catchment system to help irrigate our pollinator gardens.  We had the tank installed just in time for rain to fill it up over the weekend!  This is part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability and outdoor education.

For our next project, we are hoping to create a walking path around the library with educational displays.  We plan to rotate between story walks, local artists, and educational material on various topics.  Not only would this give the community a great space to get fresh air but it would offer a safe self-paced, educational opportunity which is imperative during this time.

We are one of three finalists for the Giving Goddess Grant which would help fund this next project.  100 ladies will give $100 each and vote for the local non-profit of their choice to receive a total of $10,000. The final voting and awarding of the grant will take place in early September.  For more information on this project, or to learn how to become a giving goddess please visit our Giving Goddess Grant page.